Monday, June 16, 2008

Invoke Bhagavan's Presence

The famous Dhyana Sloka, by Ganapati Muni, said to invoke Bhagavan's Presence.

In showering grace he is like the moon, the friend of the blue water-lily.
In the same way, in luster he is like the sun, the lord of the lotus;
By his abidance in Brahman (state of pure Being) he reminds one of his Father under the banyan tree;
Firm like a rock is this my younger brother.
Him, the moveless one we lovingly remember.

from the book "Bhagavan and Nayana" by Shri Sankaranarayanan

When I came to the verse nilaravinda the Maharshi made a remark. Speaking for five to ten minutes, he stated, naming a gentleman,"he said that the verse is quite fit to be the Dhyana Sloka of the whole Gita."

Sri Kapali Sastriar from his Dedication of Ramana Gita Prakasha

The easiest way to progress on the path blazes out of the Maharshi's teachings.
Open oneself to his influence.
Learn to invoke his presence.
Surrender oneself completely to him.

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