Thursday, July 24, 2008


Success, to me, is

Moving toward the light on a vertical path;
Recognizing and celebrating my connectedness
with everyone, everything;
Holding the world in my heart;
Cleaning the prism
through which I experience the world;
Sharing, honestly, the laughter and the tears;
Creating joy, beauty, peace;
Trusting mySelf, living in my heart;
Being simple in thought, word, and action;
Abiding at the center of the circle;
Beginning each day with everything forgiven;
Being here now;
Blessing each moment;
Dissolved by Love;
All boundaries gone;
An instrument of Peace.

The Window

There is no need
To go to the window
For further seeing.

Rather abide
At the center
Of your being.

For the more you leave it
The less you learn.

Search your heart and see
If he is wise
Who takes each turn.

The way to do
Is to BE.

Lao Tsu

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


A Jnani's world is upside down and backwards when compared with the ABC world.

The whole dream of a "me" over here and "everything else" over there has been dissolved.

All language is constructed from a subject, an action and an object, time and space. If the subject, the illusory body/mind, has dissolved, none of these are real. There never was a someone located in the body.

Going all the way inward, the inside and outside dissolve. The mind which creates a "me" and "not me" has been dissolved by a giant tsunami of Light and Love a billion times greater than worldly light and love. The knot in the Heart, the block between the sentient and insentient, has dissolved. The pitcher of the Heart has become full and is running over onto everything.

The jnani, the sage IS Satsangh, but, in truth, there is no jnani object, there is just jnana.

The mind IS horizontal living. The Heart is vertical living. When the knot in the Heart is dissolved, all is arising from the Source and dissolving in each moment, now and now and now.

You will not be able to find a jnani with your eyes, but if your Heart is sensitive, is listening, your Heart will feel the Presence.

One must be very careful. To approach a jnani with a "getting" motive is to loose the greatest blessing obtainable in this life. A jnani must be approached with the sincerest humility. The jnani exists in the heart of the seeker and will not be fooled.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

What is the Truth about this?

If one is sincerely on the path of Truth, one's internal language needs to change, to match and harmonize with one's direct experience.

There is a hidden assumption in saying "I went to the store.":
The dehatma buddhi "I AM the body" idea.
The experience may be "The body was moved through the mind to the store and back home."

One may continually ask oneself "What is the Truth about this?"

One has to long for the Truth, more than wanting to be "right" or to "look good". One must be willing to see that one is wrong.

Listen to all the mind has to say, asking "What else?" and "What else is true?" accepting without judgment all that arises, until the mind has no more to say and is silent.

After the mind has had it's say, keep listening, keep asking. Sometimes a deeper Truth will arise from the Heart to inform the mind which has become humble, silent, open, listening.

When this happens, one needs no external acknowledgment, no proof, as one's whole being resonates with a giant "YES!", one Knows.

The Truth is there, in the Heart. One has only to want it, to ask, to listen. Shhh.

Spiritual Truth is not in books. Words are only pointers, little black marks on a piece of paper. WHO gives them meaning? The Truth lies at the core of your being, prior to mind and senses.
The mind's beliefs, conditioning and ideas must be stripped away by the Truth in the Heart.

The whole creation spills out of a tiny pinhole in the heart. Someday you will laugh.

The Atma Vichara is the best question, but all questions are valuable, if the search is sincere.
The Atma Vichara will bring Direct Experience, unmediated by the mind, the senses, or books.

Blessings and joy rain down on one, drown one, on this path, Sri Ramana's Path.
Sri Ramana's path is Grace.

Begin over and over and over.

If you must read, use the mind like a pair of glasses and ask the Heart to read and interpret for Truth. Ask the heart everything, what to say, what to eat, what to wear, where to go. Listen and obey.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Truth

The Truth cannot be captured with words or concepts. The Truth is direct knowing, direct, first hand experience, prior to the mind and senses.

How to read for Truth. One must bypass the conditioned ideas and concepts of the mind.

Silence the mind and allow the mind to be used like a pair of glasses or a clear glass of water. Move your consciousness down to the right-side Heart. Ask the Heart to read for you, for the essence of Truth only and to discard untruth and misinterpretations. Truth must arise from the Heart to inform an open, silent, humble mind.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Don't Give Up

Good and bad are of the mind.

The Heart on the right side is deeper and prior.
Forget about changing and improving yourself, the world, and others.
Use the ATMA VICHARA to keep bringing the mind back home to the Heart.
All directions the mind goes in are the wrong direction.
Devote the smallest, simplest acts and prayers to Bhagavan, in your Heart.
Offer Him your fears, faults, and sorrows.
Ask Him to purify and cleanse you of everything that blocks His love, light, peace and joy.
Ask Him to protect you.
Then someday, these thousands of " the tiniest offerings" will build up in the Heart, the knot will be dissolved, and like an overfilled pitcher, like a giant tsunami, an unspeakable LOVE will pour through you, dissolving you, the world, everything, the whole dream, in a Light and Love that the mind cannot conceive. The mind cannot help you here, as it must be dissolved.
"Who" you believe you are must be dissolved.
Just don't give up. Begin again, over and over and over.
Trust Him. He is in your Heart and He knows the way.