Monday, June 30, 2008

All Else Is Impermanent

Dear Bruce,

Thank you for your note. I have written a (too long) response. Maybe I will send it another day.

What I REALLY want to say is shut off all your senses and go as deep into your heart as you can, then go deeper and start talking to Bhagavan there. Tell him about your hearing loss and ask Him what to do about it, tell Him what you want to do with your life and ask His help and advice. Tell Him you are lonely and want to know Him directly. Ask to feel His Presence. Play your violin for Him. Offer your meals to Him. If you are humble and sincere, you will discover a friend that makes all experience in the world pale. Ask Him to see through your eyes, to hear for you.

When going to sleep at night, burrow down into your heart and ask Him to purify you of anything that blocks His Presence and Grace.

If you find this DIRECT RELATIONSHIP, there are no words to tell you of the happiness and bliss and peace that awaits you.

Just be like a child, simple and humble. He knows you better than you know yourself. If you can convince Him to reveal Himself, I promise you that everything else will be taken care of, so much more elegantly than the mind can even conceive. You will find what you've longed for and you will melt in love, and love will be looking through you and love will be looking back at you and love will be dancing around you. And He will be seeing through your eyes and hearing through your ears and moving through your hands and walking with your feet. Offer Him every little thing you do and you will become just a pillow case for Bhagavan.

Just don't give up, no matter how long it takes. Bhagavan is sitting quietly in your heart, waiting for you to turn in His direction.

This is THE ONLY PURPOSE that has any real worth. All else is impermanent.

with love,

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