Monday, June 16, 2008

The "I" - "I"

In the center of the Heart-Cave
there shines alone the one Brahman
as the ‘I, I’, the Atman.
Reach the Heart
by diving deep in quest of the Self,
or by controlling the mind with the breath,
and stay established in the Atman.

Since we perceive the world in all its forms,
we must simultaneously agree that there is a Power
which is capable of becoming multiple.
The PICTURE of name and form, he who sees it,
the CANVAS on which it is painted (based)
and the LIGHT that illumines it are all Oneself.
Sri Ramana Maharshi.

Only the Supreme Self, which is ever shining in your heart as the reality, is the Sadguru. The pure awareness, which is shining as the inward illumination "I", is his gracious feet. The contact with these inner holy feet alone can give you true redemption. JOINING the eye of reflected consciousness (chidabhasa), which is your sense of individuality (jiva bodha), to those holy feet, which are the real consciousness, is the UNION of the feet and the head that is the real significance of the word "asi" ("are", as in the mahavakya "YOU ARE THAT"). As these inner holy feet can be held naturally and unceasingly, hereafter, with AN INWARD-TURNED MIND, cling to that inner awareness that is your own real nature. This alone is the proper way for the removal of bondage and the attainment of the supreme truth.

The Self IS the Heart. The Heart is self luminous. Light arises from the Heart and reaches the brain, which is the seat of the mind. The world is seen with the mind, that is, by the reflected light of the Self. It is perceived with the aid of the mind. When the mind is illumined it is aware of the world. When it is not itself so illumined, it is not aware of the world. If the mind is turned in towards the source of light, OBJECTIVE KNOWLEDGE CEASES and Self alone shines forth as the Heart.

The moon shines by the reflected light of the sun. When the sun has set, the moon is useful for revealing objects. When the sun has risen, no one needs the moon, although the pale disc of the moon is visible in the sky.

So it is with the mind and the Heart.

The mind is useful because of its reflected light. It is used for seeing objects. When it is turned inwards, the SOURCE OF ILLUMINATION SHINES FORTH by itself, and the mind remains dim and useless like the moon in day-time.

Atman is realized with mruta manas (dead mind), i.e., mind devoid of thoughts and turned inward. Then the mind sees its own source and becomes That. It is not as the subject perceiving an object.

When the room is dark a lamp is necessary to illumine and eyes to cognize objects. But when the sun is risen there is no need of a lamp, and the objects are seen; and to see the sun no lamp is necessary, it is enough that you turn your eyes towards the self luminous sun.

Similarly with the mind. To see the objects the reflected light of the mind is necessary. To see the Heart it is enough that the mind is turned towards it. Then the mind loses itself and the Heart shines forth.

The essence of mind is only awareness or consciousness. When the ego, however, dominates it, it functions as the reasoning, thinking or sensing faculty. The cosmic mind being not limited by the ego, has NOTHING SEPARATE FROM ITSELF and is therefore only aware. This is what the Bible means by "I am that I AM".
Sri Ramana Maharshi.

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