Saturday, June 14, 2008


Ahimsa means not-harming, gentleness.
It is the base, upon which all else rests.
It is the hope, the will, to do no harm, in thought, word or deed, to any any living being.
It is an attitude of peace and reverence toward all sentient beings.
It means to care for and serve everything, as though it were an aspect, a part of myself, as an appearance in the heart.

Even the state of mind, the state of heart, when pulling weeds is important. Non-violence. Care.
To do a good job, a complete job, honestly, simply, sincerely.

Ahimsa includes vegetarianism, not to kill.
It means that speaking from kindness supersedes the brutal truth.

To "do unto others" means that I must become empty of myself, to know the so-called other from the inside, to care for them as myself, whether it be an animal, a child, a tree, the moon.

It is to be so selfish, the the whole cosmos is contained in one's heart.
It is to see all as His form, your form, to bow to everything.

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