Monday, June 16, 2008

How Does The One Become Many?

"The entire universe is in the body and the whole body is in the Heart.
Hence, the universe is contained in the Heart.
The Heart is to the body what the sun is to the world.
Just as the sun gives light to the moon, the Heart lights the mind."

"The whole cosmos is contained in one pinhole in the Heart."

Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi

Mental repetition of Japa, (Manasic Japa), is more powerful than spoken Japa.

Get up at 4 a.m. and do the Japa. Brahmamuhurtha (4 to 6 AM) is most favourable for Japa and meditation.

Face north or east when sitting. This enhances the efficacy of the Japa.

Have four sittings for Japa daily—early morning, noon, evening and night.

Attempt to trace, first Radiant Light in which nothing is, then mind arising from the Heart, the arising of the layers of the feeling of a body, then the world spilling forth out of the Heart.

Then attempt to stay in the heart for as long as possible in the morning (experiencing that there is nothing "out there").

Watch the mind at night, as you are going to sleep. Track it carefully as it withdraws from the world and enters the Heart (on the right side).

Know for yourself, directly.

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